Monday, August 31, 2009


Hello to all of my new 8th grade students and their parents!

I'm looking forward to a productive and exciting new year with all of you.

In this new year, I plan on trying to incorporate technology into our classroom experience to help communicate with all of you better and to provide additional resources to all of you outside of the classroom.

Currently, I'm not sure how often I plan on posting, but please check back often to get updates on student work, current and past projects, and information about upcoming tests. Also, as the year progresses and I see how well this is all working, students may need to check in here occasionally to get information to help them with certain projects and assignments. Students can gain access to this site from home, school, or public library computers.

Please be sure to check out and create a log in if you do not already have one. On Friday's new homework assignments will be posted there. I also try to keep electronic copies of many of the assignments on the homework website, so if a student forgets the assignment sheet at school, he or she can still finish their homework. I'll try to put a reminder here in the blog suggesting people go check it out when I have updated.

Alrighty, as this is already a longish post, I'll just close with one last quick reminder: parents and guardians, please mark the Back-to-School Night on your calendars for 6:30 pm on September 16th. I hope to meet you that night!